How to get rid of acne scars

How to get rid of acne scars

Are you struggling with acne scars? Acne scars is not just a problem among teenagers. Acne skin, red spots or scars can follow us even in adulthood. Where do scars come from and how to get rid of unsightly stains? Is it better to choose home remedies or specialized treatments and pharmacological treatment? And finally, how to get rid of acne scars?

What is the difference between acne scars and hyperpigmentation?

Acne scars are permanent changes resulting from tissue loss. Most often they appear when we wanted to remove blemishes improperly, e.g. squeezing or scratching them or when we did not start treatment at all.

Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation occurs at the site of healed eruption. This last stage of acne lesions may remain on the face for several months, but after that time it will disappear.

Acne scars treatment

Acne scars – how to get rid of them?

First of all, it is worth taking care of acne skin so as not to cause scars. It is very important not to cause inflammation of the skin. Therefore, every day you should properly clean and exfoliate the skin, using appropriate gels, lotions or scrubs. Once a month, we can do salicylic acid peeling or delicate microdermabrasion. When redness occurs, which is a sign of the onset of inflammation, it is necessary to act anti-inflammatory. A proper diet will also be important – it should be rich in vitamins and antioxidants. On the other hand, it is worth excluding spicy dishes from the menu.

Acne scars – what to remove?

Unfortunately, acne skin care will not always protect us from acne scars. That’s why it’s worth knowing how to remove them.

– daily hydration – the skin regenerates faster and easier when we nourish it with appropriate preparations, which is why in the case of acne scars the use of good cosmetics will prove to be particularly important. It is worth reaching for products that stimulate the regeneration of damaged epidermis. Itching and itchy skin will be effectively moisturized and the problem will disappear. It is worth applying this cream to acne scars, because it will help rebuild the epidermis and accelerate wound healing.

– treatments at home – to get rid of shallow acne scars, home methods such as hand-made masks, e.g. lemon juice, lime juice, vinegar and jojoba oil, or five aspirin tablets dissolved in a teaspoon of warm water will be an effective way. with a teaspoon of natural yogurt.

– aesthetic medicine treatments – aesthetic medicine treatments such as laser, microdermabrasion and collagen are an effective method to get rid of acne scars. However, you should first contact a dermatologist to choose the best method for your skin type.

Many people are looking for the best way to get rid of acne scars. There are many methods of treating acne discoloration and their choice should be tailored to the individual case. It is better to consult a dermatologist before deciding on the treatment path to be used. The specialist will assess the stage of your skin changes and suggest the best treatment.


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