How to lower blood sugar


Increased blood glucose can be a big problem not only for functioning, but above all for health. That is why awareness and the ability to lower it is important. One of the most important assumptions is a properly balanced diet, systematic physical activity is no less important. Increased blood glucose is also a result of permanent stress.

What is glucose?

Glucose is simple sugar and is the basic source of energy in the human body. It is necessary for proper functioning, but its excess can lead, among others for pre-diabetes and diabetes. The hormone produced by the pancreas – insulin is responsible for the alignment. After eating a meal, the glucose level increases, which is a signal for the pancreas to secrete insulin. Insulin is responsible for transporting glucose into tissues causing its decrease in the blood.

lowering blood sugar

What values ​​are correct?

There are three ranges for measuring fasting blood glucose:

  • 70 to 99 mg / dl (3.9 to 5.55 mmol / l) – normal glucose levels
  • 100 to 125 mg / dl (5.6 to 6.9 mmol / l) – abnormal glucose levels (pre-diabetes)
  • 126 mg / dL and more in at least two measurements – diabetes.

What products will help reduce blood sugar?

The list of products that help lower sugar levels is really long. There is a lot to choose from!

  • millet, buckwheat, pearl barley
  • oatmeal
  • wholemeal and rye bread
  • pasta made of wholemeal flour
  • skimmed dairy products
  • vegetables: such as lettuce, asparagus, tomatoes, cauliflower, radish, broccoli, pickled cucumbers, cabbage, parsley, chives
  • fruits: kiwi, peaches, berries, strawberries, all citruses
  • fish such as pike, cod, trout
  • meat: turkey, chicken, veal
  • soybean, rapeseed and sunflower oil

How to change your habits?

First, eat regularly because the likelihood of hypoglycaemia is lower. Also give up eating unhealthy foods with a high glycemic index.

Put away the sweets. Sugar is one of the fastest and most dangerous ways to increase blood sugar. There are healthier substitutes, e.g. xylitol or erythritol, which do not cause a jump in blood glucose, but you must remember that they do not suppress cravings for sweet, on the contrary.

Drink a lot of water. People who are well hydrated are less likely to experience hyperglycaemia. This is because water allows you to better manage your blood sugar levels.

Also consider chromium or magnesium supplementation because these two compounds give good results in stabilizing blood glucose levels.

Do sports regularly or just be physically active. Even daily 30-minute walks have a beneficial effect on health and better energy management, which comes from food.

Have you heard of spirulina? Studies conducted among people who are not yet diabetic have shown a blood glucose lowering effect. Spirulina contains phycocyanin – a blue dye that exhibits postprandial glucose lowering properties. In addition, it can inhibit the action of pancreatic lipase and significantly reduce triglyceride levels. Try adding it to your meals.



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